This section of the web site is completely dedicated to the King James Bible, sometimes referred to as the Monarch of All Books.

"The words of the LORD are pure words, as silver tried
in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt Keep them,
O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever."

-Psalm 12:6:7

The following book by Floyd Nolen Jones, Th.D, Ph.D., Which Version Is The Bible, is destined to become a classic in true Christian Apologetics, even if it never becomes a bestseller. The typical Christian today is completely unaware of the following:

1. What has happened to his Bible.
2. What the newer versions really are.
3. The importance of the issue.
4. That we should even expect a 100% complete, dependable and preserved Word of God.

This book first declares the problem, states the challenge to the reader, then explains the origin of both the Authorized King James and the newer "versions", all the while exposing both the intent and the work of both groups of scholars.

Ask the average Christian today about the Bible and they will tell you that it is 90-99% preserved from the originals, that the scholars need to interpret the original Greek and Hebrew to help us understand Scripture,

Why bother with this type of ministry?

Because ever since I was introduced to this controversy several years ago by a young Christian man namesd Patrick Kwon from California State University at Long Beach, I have investigated it and found that, indeed the King James Bible is the only Bible there is which is completely the Word of God preserved.
Because I have heard so many vacuous arguments from Christians aganst the King James Bible that I am galvanized even more now than when I started to investigate. The behavior alone of these unbelievers should make any sane person suspect their position. Then there are the arguments. If it were true that any old Bible version were OK, then the scholars ought to be better able to defend them. Much of this site will be dedicated to exposing their arguments and lies
Because God in the verse quoted above has promised to preserve His Word forever. And preservation means just that-no loss of words or even parts of words, not just meanings. And since this is true, and since I believe it, the Word of God must exist somewhere today, all in one place. Any examination of the evidence by an objective mind will reveal that in English, it is only in the Authorized Version of the King James Bible made in 1611. And it is also in the translations into the other languages of the world when the King James and its manuscripts are used.
Because the King James Bible is the only version which is not copyrighted. God would absolutely never, never never allow any human being to retain any copyrights like this on HIS Word. Only the words of mere men can be copyrighted. The scribes were priveleged to copy the Scriptures, but not for profit. Can you imagine the Scribes trying to sell the scrolls? I am not saying that they nerver did, and I am not saying that all Bibles should be free, just that htey should not be copyrighted. If the Publi$hers of the newer ver$ions truly believed that what they were peddling was the actual, real and true word of God, I would be able to copy it and pass it out free of charge as often as I like and never be liable to any man or company. It might be interesting to test these publishers out in a court of Law by copying their "Bibles", freely distributing them and letting them sue. Imagine the lawyer asking them in a court of Law whether they thought that their Bible was indeed the Word of God, getting a "yes", and then having an attorney or judge ask them, "then by what strange, tortured and twisted logic do YOU, being mere men, claim to have any "copy" rights on it?" Then let them answer!
Another reason is in the missing words and even whole verses. A small child can even conclude that this is tampering with the Word of God, yet many Christians seem to have an apparent blind spot.

Another reason is the apathy about this in the Church today. No one cares about which Bible. If I were the devil, and wanted to hurt the Church in a big way in the battle, I would mess with their swords and convince them that it does not matter whether they even have them or not. The average Christian today is unaware of what has happened to his Bible and when he discovers, he doesn't even care! Imagine that! This would not be so bad if we had many different weopons at our disposal, but even the doctrines of the other weapons(prayer and fellowship) are all rooted in the Bible.

Another reason is the false "division" argument. Over and over I am accused falsely of trying to divide the Church. This is sheer, unadulterated garbage. This is the same accusation that Jesus said would happen when we stood for Him and his Word. A moment's thought would reveal that the division is with the four hundred people sitting in Church, all with different "translations", trying to listen to the Pastor word for word and finding that they can not even all read along! Even one at a time does not work, as the wortding is different in each one! We had a Bible study on th heart one time, and everyone brought their own Bible. Trying to read the verses containing the word "heart", like the study said, was impossible, since the word heart was not in so many verses in so many versions! In fact, only the King James Bible had them all!

This is not even to mention the fact that the reading will be different every other word or every other sentence, with every other person! Imagine the entire congregation being asked to read aloud the Scriptures, each with a different version? Failure to recognize this is a major problem today. I am accused of division when I am not the one who wants to divide, but them! I never bring it up for the purpose of arguing. In fact, I rarely if ever try to bring it up at all, but the fact is that the Bible is so central to our lives that a conversation can hardly be held in fellowship where the concept does not apply. It always comes up and is actually unavoidable. Even in Creation ministry, the reason that Christians always have to go to "the original Hebrew" is that they do not trust the English. They simply don't believe their Bibles.

This is easily and cleverly disguised under the "in the original language..." argument, which I reject. Jews speak Hebrew, Greeks speak Greek. You and I speak English. The fact that a Christian has to resort to this attack proves that they have nothing more intelligent to say in defense of their position. Even if I were dividing over this issue(and I am not), the position stands or falls on its own merit. My behavior would only affect my testimony, not the Bible.

Another reason is scholarship.

Another reason is Bible correcters. I do not speak Greek or Hebrew. And I resent the ridiculous notion that only those who know and understand it can understand God's Word. This is what I call intellectual arrogance andf was attacked by Jesus repeatedly. The Scribes and Pharisees tried to hide the Word of God from the people, as does the Catholic "church" today.

Another reason is the majority argument, with which I am famiiar with from my Creation Ministry. This is the worst historical argument a Christian should ever make in regards to anything. Never, ever, ever attempt to support any part of Christianity with a majority argument! It is contrary to Scripture! Narrow is the road, not broad. What is the majority argument? It is the argument made by anyone that something must be true because "all of these fine men" couldn't ALL be wrong, could they? I have never defended this argument as a Christian and I pity the man who tries. Name one time where the majority in history were EVER right for any length of time that mattered. The majority of Israel followed Baal the majority of the time. The majority of the world accepts a long age of the earth. The majority of the jury in the O.J. trial said "not guilty". The majority of the voters voted President Clinton. The majority of the apostles left Jesus before the crucifixion. The majority of people won't be saved. The majority of the people told Charles Goodyear and his wife not to vulcanize rubber. The majority of scientists in Louis Pasteur's day thought that rats spontaneously arose from garbage and that flies came from rotting carcasses. The majority are almost always wrong when it comes to matters pertaining to the Word of God.

Another reason is that hte Word of God is not solely on papeer with ink. In fact, most Christians, if asked, would say that if every single Bible were confiscated and burned on earth, the Bible would be gone. This is lamentable and reveals a tremendous state of unbelief. Brother, Sister, if you believe this then you do not understand what the Word of God is. It existed in the Garden with Adam and Eve, before they even wrote it down. "For in the day thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die" is the Word of God, paper or no paper, ink or no ink, publisher or not.

Lastly, this ministry is now more important than Creation Science ministr today, since Creation Science deals with the meaning of the words in Genesis, whereas this AV 1611 ministry deals with the preservation, authority and authenticity of the actual words themselves. In other words, do they still exist? Enough said here.

Soon to be covered:

After all, it's been translated so much
Scoffers within
GodExalts His Word above His name
More important than Creation Science
God can use the other versions
The Narrowness argument

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This part of the site of Kriscot International is not copyrighted. Any part of it can be copied, so long as quotes are not taken out of context or lines made up. We'll see how long that lasts with the scoffers.


